Yale Publishing Course: The Lowdown

I received the following information about the course this morning from Senior Administrative Assistant Jackie McGrath of the Course. She says positions are filling rapidly so apply soon to save your spot. Are you planning to attend?

Announcing the Yale Publishing Course: Leadership Strategies in a Time of Transition

An intensive, week-long course for the next generation of worldwide leaders in the book, magazine and online publishing industries that provides them with new skills in a time of accelerating change.

July 18 – 23, 2010
On the beautiful, historic campus of Yale University – New Haven, Connecticut
(75 miles North of New York City)

The Yale Publishing Course is designed to bring mid to upper-level professionals together with experts from the publishing world and the Yale faculty to tackle the challenging issues facing publishers today. This program fills the gap as the only high-level program geared to senior managers since the closure of the renowned Stanford Professional Publishing Course (SPPC).  Over three thousand graduates of the SPPC regarded the course as having “changed their lives and prepared them for new opportunities.”  The Yale program will build upon this great tradition, tap the resources of the prestigious Yale University Press and expand the international scope of the course.  At Yale, the course will concentrate more heavily on the business and management aspects of publishing, with a strong emphasis on understanding and utilizing the latest advances in technology.

This is a course – not a conference.  The speakers are Yale faculty and industry leaders who will offer insights into new business models and best practices based on their years of experience. Participants from all over the world will be surrounded by colleagues with similar challenges and will return home energized, inspired and better-informed on how to maximize new opportunities in this time of rapid transition to a more digital, global industry.

The Curriculum
The program will combine plenary sessions with seminars and workshops focused on specific issues and case studies. There will be ample time built into the schedule to allow for questions and for conversations and networking during breaks. More importantly the lecturers will be available for one-on-one meetings with students who can use this opportunity to seek advice on specific issues and challenges that they are facing.

Day One: The State of the Industry
The first day will set the context for the rest of the week and present the themes that will be explored in greater depth over the next days: the challenges that face publishers due to an uncertain economy; the impact of new technology; the need to re-assess traditional business strategies and how to train the next generation of industry leaders.  The sessions will begin with an overview, set in the context of current economic conditions and the global media revolution, of book, magazine, and online publishing worldwide and then strategies for moving forward will be presented.

Day Two: Advances in New Technology
The day will be spent examining and evaluating new technologies and how they influence content, design, production, marketing, and distribution.  Attention will be paid to how consumers are reacting to multi-platform choices and how publishers can leverage their options.  Speakers will distinguish the important technological advances from those that are just noise and will illustrate how the tools available, such as mobile platforms, social networks, free apps, videos, and well-designed websites, can be used to best advantage.

Day Three: Best Practices in Business and Management
Day three will explore ways to guide your staff through a time of economic uncertainty and rapidly changing technology.  Speakers will discuss how to manage creative people across a variety of functions and how to motivate them, encourage them to learn new skills, and help them make the transition to a less traditional and technology-driven environment.  Forward-looking business strategies to improve profitability will be offered and examples of successes will be presented.

Day Four: Publishing as a Global Enterprise
On day four we will concentrate on the challenges and opportunities of expanding into new markets around the world.  The sessions will focus on managing media across multiple platforms, taking into account cultural and economic differences, and how to establish your unique brand internationally.  Legal issues, such as copyright, piracy, and international licensing, will be explored and the difficulties of international distribution and marketing will be illuminated.

Day Five: Looking to the Future
On the final day, speakers will concentrate on how to anticipate and prepare for the future using the information and insights gained over the previous days.  Sessions will include: predicting where the economy is heading; how to anticipate and be best prepared for the next generation of media platforms; how to develop a business plan in multi-platform environment; and how to launch new business ventures within an existing company.

In order to foster a close relationship between lecturers and students, enrollment will be limited to 80 participants.  At the end of the week, participants will have formed a network of global publishing professionals whose friendship will endure well beyond their time at Yale.

The tuition fee of $4995 includes Course materials, daily breakfasts, lunches, snacks, receptions, and dinner on three nights. Other evenings will allow time to explore the many fine restaurants within walking distance of the hotel.  Housing is not included in the tuition fee: a special rate of $89/night for Course participants is available at the recently renovated New Haven Hotel (http://www.newhavenhotel.com/). Those wishing to arrive a day early or stay an additional day will receive the same special rate.

To apply, visit https://ems.resrunner.com/yalepublishing.

For more information, visit http://publishing-course.yale.edu.

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